About The Author
Esther Pepper, RN, BSN, is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse who was raised in Alaska and has lived there most of her life. She has 20 years of experience as a nurse, 16 of which have been in Hospice care. She found her calling and passion for end of life early in her nursing career. She is dedicated to training new nurses into the field of Hospice and works as a Hospice Case Manager in South Central Alaska.
As a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse, I am passionate about providing end of life care that is authentic and meets the patient where they are at in their journey. My priority is to be an advocate for my patients and to facilitate this process between the patient and medical provider. This includes delivering effective pain and symptom management and providing education in end of life that encompasses the patient, and all caregivers involved. It is an incredible privilege to be a part of the transitioning process from this life into the next realm.